Monday, April 21, 2008

More RSS - Thing #9

I was stunned by the number of links in Jill's Bloglines account. How can any human keep up with so much information! And now I have the same problem. When I was going back and forth between Bloglines and Google, I used the Blogline's Search tool and Google Search. I came up with the Onion, Slate, Salon, Dilbert, About Cats and I Need Coffee! I was disappointed that I couldn't find a blog for John Batchelor, a former radio host on WABC who is now on a satellite station.

I didn't like the Bloglines Top 1000. It didn't feature a Search tool so that I could look for something I was interested in. And 1000 is just too much to scroll through, especially when you had to click on the preview of each one whose name wasn't self explanatory.

When I have time and my Web Thing work is done, I'm searching for a filtering tool so that I won't have more news feeds than I can handle!

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